Living in the modern World as QTI – BIPoC individuals with Kholoud

Living in the modern World as QTI – BIPoC individuals with Kholoud

A free workshop for Black, Indigenous and PoC queers.

Saturday 14th May 2022  12:00 to 16:00

English Language event

Living in the modern World as QTI – BIPoC individuals have its toll on all of us, mentally & Physically.
The need to slow down and check with the self about what is going on inside of us and around us and how it is affecting us
on many levels is a step into healing. Adding to that the Pandemic situation which is affecting us differently according to
our socio-economic status.
Either it’s: Anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, all sorts of disorders, all subtle & clear phobias and fears, lifestyle problems or relationship difficulties. This includes the tricky everyday trademarks of our time – loneliness, having a sense of purpose, feelings
of belonging, and being of use to society and loved ones. It reduces the quality of life!
Through the combination of a few methods of breathing techniques, sharing stories & co – existing.
The intention of the workshop is finding ways for healing. We come together in this workshop to offer help with a variety
of common ails and troubles.
The Workshop will contain: breathing exercise & group meditation.
Kholoud Bidak Is an African descent, non- binary, Queer, feminist, human rights activist who
works with minorities and vulnerable groups Since 2002, through NGOs, collectives, and various
group, Within the African continent, Global South and Europe.
The main Idea that all of us do navigate the mundane life & we do face a lot of oppressive
system daily: Whiteness, Capitalism, Misogyny, Patriarchy, Fat phobia, Homophobia,
Heteronormativety, ableism, Cis genderism, Class, Gender Based Violence, Religion …etc
Wellbeing and healing have been a subject that occupied Kholoud’s mind after going through
many tough situations in life. A long journey of healing since early age, which enabled Kholoud
to figure out that healing is a process, and sometimes it’s a collective process.
Kholoud works with many healing methods, such as meditation, body movement, breathing
exercises, Art Therapy, collective discussion and other techniques.